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iCademy 2020 verplaatst naar 2021 ivm Corona

23 juni 2021


23 juni 2021
Evenement Categorie:




Landgoed De Horst
De Horst 1
Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Nederland
+ Google Maps

Masterclass exclusief voor de erkende implantoloog NVOI!
Implantologisch denken en handelen op het hoogste niveau.


  • is exclusief – speciaal ontwikkeld voor tandartsen en MKA-chirurgen met ruime ervaring in de implantologie en erkend als implantoloog NVOI.
  • is compact – het is een podium waarop éénmaal per jaar één topdocent uit binnen- of buitenland zal worden uitgenodigd.
  • is efficiënt – los van de vaak nutteloze franje, die vele congressen kenmerkt en rekeninghoudend met verkeersdrukte en een drukke praktijk, is een strak programma samengesteld van 15:30 – 21:00 uur. Zonder dat u veel tijd kwijtraakt wordt u maximaal geïnformeerd.
  • is comfortabel – Landgoed De Horst is een plezierige en rustgevende accommodatie en vormt een perfect decor om met collega implantologen van gedachten te wisselen.

Voor de 15e editie van iCademy heeft Dennis P. Tarnow uit New York onze uitnodiging geaccepteerd om op woensdag 23 juni 2021 met ons zijn ervaringen te delen.

Dennis P. Tarnow is currently Clinical Professor of Periodontology and Director of Implant Education at Columbia School of Dental Medicine. He is the former Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Tarnow has a certificate in Periodontics and Prosthodontics and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology. Dr. Tarnow has a private practice in New York City, and has been honored with a wing named after him at New York University College of Dentistry. He has published over 200 articles on perio-prosthodontics and implant dentistry and has coauthored four textbooks including one with Dr. Stephen J. Chu titled ‘The Single Tooth Implant.’ Dr. Tarnow has lectured extensively in the United States and internationally in over forty-five countries.

Immediate extraction socket management in the esthetic zone and molars – What we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know about.

Immediate placements of implants into extraction sockets is an exciting treatment alternative for our patients. However, there are many potential short and particularly long term risks which the practitioner must be fully aware of. This presentation will focus on the potential problems and benefits both clinically and biologically when the choice of immediate socket placement is made for single and multiple sites. This will be an evidence based presentation that will be objective about the best and simplest way to treat these types of cases.

Interdisciplinary approach for treating the esthetically compromised patient.

The treatment planning of complex cases requires the highest level of knowledge and skill of the treating team. It is an orchestration of procedures including proper sequencing and timing that makes the difference. An envisionment of the final case before starting is required to know where the goal of treatment will be directed. This, in conjunction with the patients needs and clinical situation comprise the decision-making process for what is the best treatment for the patient.