Onderzoek ergonomie door Amber Denekamp: doet u mee?


Voor haar onderzoek over ergonomie aan de universiteit van Derby, zoekt ergonoom Amber Denekamp tandartsen die hun mening en visie over ergonomie en het effect van fysiek welzijn op hun werk willen delen. Met dit onderzoek wil ze de beweegredenen en motivaties van tandartsen onderzoeken. Met deze kennis kunnen in de toekomst onder andere interventies worden verbeterd. Omdat het onderzoek gedaan wordt via een Engelse universiteit, worden de interviews in het Engels afgenomen. Uw inbreng is voor mij zeer waardevol. Bent u geïnteresseerd, lees dan onderstaand bericht.

Message to all dentists, have your say!

You are invited to take part in a study that takes place as part of the Independent Scholarship in Ergonomics at the University of Derby, by Amber Denekamp.


You can give your personal opinion and vision upon ergonomics and the effect of work on your physical wellbeing within your work as a dentist in an informal interview setting. These interviews will be used in a wider study on how junior (0-5 years in the profession) vs senior dentists (6+ years in the profession) perceive their sustainable employability and what they think they need to influence this positively. You can make a difference by shedding your light on this issue and increasing our knowledge about it.

Study Title

How and why do the knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards ergonomics differ between junior and senior dentists and how is this perceived to influence sustainable employability?


This will last no longer than 1 hour and will be planned to your convenience at your practise, or via Skype, preverably in March 2020. This can be during work hours, or in the evening.
Please note that to take part in the study, you need to meet the following criteria:
1. Work as a qualified dentist in the Netherlands
2. Be able to speak English to a working degree and willing to speak English in the interview (as this is a study conducted under the auspices of the university of Derby, England)
3. Work in fulltime or part-time employment
4. Work mainly in general dentistry. For this research it is required that at least 50% of your employment contains general dentistry.
5. Dentists that work in specialised domains (such as geriatric or childrens dentistry, endodotology, implantology, etc.) for more than 50% of their working time, are excluded.
6. Not suffer from any health-related problems that might affect you while taking part in the research

Your participation to the research will be treated with the highest of confidentiality and under the guidelines of the British Psychology Society. If you should wish to withdraw from the study up to 14 days after the interview took place, please do not hesitate to contact me at a.elingsdenekamp1@unimail.derby.ac.uk

I want to thank you in advance, your time and opinion would be highly appreciated.
Amber Denekamp

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Voorkom langdurig zitten: werk dynamisch

Hoe voorkomt u overbelastingsklachten van handen en vingers?

Lees meer over: Ergonomie, Thema A-Z